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DevSum 2017

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This week I had the pleasure and the privilege of presenting my talk on “Digital Transformation: Back to Basics” at DevSum 2017 in beautiful Stockholm. The ...

Iasa ITARC London: May 2017

less than 1 minute read

Last week I had the privilege of presenting at Iasa ITARC on my thoughts surrounding the future of software architecture and the role of the “Software Archit...

Agile Development and Project Design

4 minute read

Agile development has found itself under a fair bit of criticism in recent years, from both managers and developers alike: managers tend to complain about Ag...

Thoughts on Agile (Part 3): the Principles

8 minute read

In my previous post I went over each line of the Agile Manifesto to see if I could find a deeper meaning in the language. To summarize, my general conclusion...

Thoughts on Agile (Part 2): the Manifesto

8 minute read

In my previous post I let off a little steam by talking about some of the things that frustrate me about Agile (or rather, how many people choose to interpre...